International Curriculum

Yes, with the International Curriculum, students can study at any university, both in Brazil and around the world.

At EAV, students have the opportunity to prepare even more comprehensively. The school follows all guidelines proposed by the Ministry of Education (MEC) and offers cutting-edge international education.

At EAV, students speak English all the time, from the moment they arrive at school until they leave. English immersion is applied to all students, regardless of their grade level, from Preschool  to High School. At EAV, English is the predominant language.

They do learn! EAV students, starting from the end of Preschool, have Portuguese classes. In the Kindergarten class, students begin literacy in both languages simultaneously. In Elementary School, students start studying Geography, and in Middle School, History is added, all in Portuguese.

Besides the school being located in Brazil and having to teach a minimum number of subjects in Portuguese, including Portuguese itself, it's in History and Geography that we have the opportunity to see the quality of students' discourse in the native language.

EAV has a Portuguese Language Coordination that focuses on the quality of teaching the Brazilian native language.

All of this demonstrates that students effectively learn Portuguese.

Students will be prepared to study at any university in the world, as well as at any educational institution in Brazil. The curriculum is based on interdisciplinary project-based learning, which stimulates critical thinking, curiosity, self-management, collaboration, and communication. It prepares students for both the job market and life!