High School

Students are guided starting from the 9th grade of Elementary School in Brazil (the first year of High School in the United States) through group and individual meetings focused on career development, lectures and workshops on studying abroad, as well as access to summer camps and internship projects throughout High School. The EAV team will also guide them through the country and university selection process, assisting them with exams and specific requirements in application processes, and defining strategies with the students.

Our schedule, being a 100% full-time school, ensures a balance between international and Brazilian requirements. Starting in 2022, all schools in Brazil adopted a new high school model, with the proposal of greater integration between subjects and choices for students, following a model that has been in place for decades in American and European schools. Through educational pathways, students can choose subjects and courses that align with their areas of interest. It's important to note that at EAV, we have been using active methodologies since Preschool, integrating competencies and knowledge and aligning scientific knowledge with social knowledge, providing a contemporary identity to our young students. The cultural additions inherent to a curriculum where international learning expectations align with national ones ensure that High School students at EAV have an advantage in their ability to mobilize and integrate knowledge, a fundamental pillar in the new High School. For more specialized selection processes, EAV will offer intensive programs tailored to this group based on our students' profiles.

Is there a deadline for this adjustment? The educational pathways are not directly related to specific content but rather to areas of knowledge/careers that use the contents of High School. Changes can be made every semester. The offerings of educational pathways will be based on students' interest surveys.

How should students choose electives? To deepen or expand? No, there is a difference. Educational pathways are a set of subjects, projects, workshops, study groups, and other work situations that students can choose in High School. Educational pathways give students the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in a knowledge area (Mathematics and its Technologies, Languages and their Technologies, Natural Sciences and their Technologies, and Human and Social Applied Sciences) and technical and professional education (TPE) or even in the knowledge of two or more areas and TPE. Electives are subjects chosen by students to enhance their education, deepening their interdisciplinary knowledge based on their needs and interests.