Elementary School

At EAV, we assess each student's English proficiency using the WIDA Model Assessment (English Language Development Measure). This assessment is used in international schools worldwide to identify students' English levels at various age levels. At EAV, we use this assessment to identify students who need English Language Learning (ELL) support. Students identified for ELL support will work with one of our specialized ELL teachers to continue developing their speaking, listening, and writing skills in small groups until they can fully participate in the learning that takes place in all of our classrooms.

Do they get confused? We take pride in being an English immersion school where our students learn to read and write in both English and Portuguese simultaneously. They do so in both languages, and research shows significant long-term academic gains in terms of literacy and language development through this approach.

At EAV, we use the BNCC standards, as well as the Common Core Standards from the United States, and we do not assess students traditionally using a 1-10 scale, percentages, or letters like A, B, C, D. We assess and report their learning using a standards-based approach. Standards-Based Grading (SBG) is a system that evaluates students' progress toward mastering specific learning goals called standards. Standards-based grading involves assessing each student's understanding of all standards related to their grade level. This is done using rubrics built on a scale of N, B, D, M, I:

I = Innovating (Performing beyond the Grade Level Standard) M = Mastering (Mastery of Grade Level Standards Achieved) D = Developing (Student is progressing toward Mastery of the standard) B = Beginning (Student has started to learn the components of Mastery needed) N = No Evidence (There is lacking or insufficient evidence of students work).

The purpose of standards based grading is to give a clearer picture of a student’s learning progress. Instead of a traditional points gradebook where you see a single letter grade, an SBG report card gives a detailed view of student strengths and weaknesses.